Friday, January 30, 2015

Chicken Noodleless Soup for the Soul

Pangs of hunger persist.
I was feeling it pretty acutely by the time I got home from work tonight. I had jello in the fridge, so I ate that first, since it was ready. It was probably somewhere between 1 and 1 1/2 packages worth.  Then I nuked and salted a can of Swanson's low-sodium chicken broth. That seemed pretty tasty, so I did it again.

All told today's intake was:
3 packages (12 servings) of sugar free Jello
3 servings of Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey from Whey Isolates - French Vanillia
3/4 Gallon of filtered tap water
2 cans of Swanson's low-sodium chicken broth. + ~2 tbs salt.

So what's that? About 500 calories?  Doc probably actually expects me below that, I would guess.  That's a lot of Jello today. I was kinda playing with my Jello today; spooning it out of the middle instead of the edges, in such a way it would "sloorrrrup" as you pulled it out, then dug out from the bottom of my jello pit to see how long the overhang could hold on before it collapsed like a cliff being undercut by the sea. With my lunch Jello I used a knife to cut a checkerboard pattern into the jello, then tried to lift out ever other column.  What can I say... if the food can't TASTE interesting, perhaps it can be entertaining.

There was a Shake-up at work this week.  Some of the people up the food chain from me are being moved to other buildings and we are getting a new assistant manager in. It just dawned on me today that I need to nab a head shot of him for the security poster I maintain for the building, and need to edit the two that are leaving off of it.  I'll get on that this week.

My co-worker was a no-show for the electrical work again today. I ran into him at work, even though it was his day off, he needed to run some errands there today. He had a meeting he had to go to this morning. "I should have called and let you know, man. Sorry. But Monday for sure!" When did this meeting get set up? He asked me if Friday morning worked good for me just this Wednesday night. Oh well, I didn't really expect him to show anyway. I won't be offering him future projects.

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