Thursday, January 1, 2015

One Down, 364 to Go!

Yesterday and today were pleasant enough ways to close out one year and kick off the next. The party was kid friendly, but ours went napless and was suffering a thermonuclear meltdown by 10pm, so we took him and his brother home to their beds.  Today, most of the party reconvened at the Palace Pearson to lay plans for world domination. Beth sat in silent disapproval of our cult-building approach, but some solid ideas were floated. Of particular note was the concept of "Pithing" instead of 1/10 of our "flock's" income supporting the "church" we would ask parishioners to contribute 3.14159265359% of their "first fruits" to us.  Additionally our doorknockers would come with bottles of wine.  Communion for kids - Grape soda and doughnut holes; for adults a wide selection of wines from a Coke-freestyle-like dispenser and Fazoli's bread sticks. Also, officials who embarrass our organization by doing stupid crap like abusing kiddos are being ousted hard...  Public stoning is the plan, but we need to avoid murder until at least a few of the world governments are under our control, so we don't get shut down.  So excommunication, shunning, and exile are our go-to's for the time being.

As planning became real work and Beth became less and less amused by our blasphemy, we moved on to playing Kevin's zombie board game.  Cult still needs core tenets, a website, and a name... maybe tomorrow.

When I got home, it was brought to my attention that my nipples made it to Not Always Right! A banner day, indeed!

Weighed in today at 382 lbs.
 That will be dropping soon.

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