Monday, February 9, 2015


T-minus 12 hrs 'till dissection.
I should be asleep now... but I just ain't feeling it, ya know?

Thought today: when somebody seems amazed at how well I'm doing after surgery, I'm going to say "It takes more than being stabbed in the gut 5 times and having one of my internal organs carved out to slow ME down!" We'll see how often I can work that one into conversations.

You run and you run to catch up to the sun, but it's sinking
Itenerary working backwards...
-Surgery starts at 11:00 am.
-I need to be there by 9:45 am.
Google says 30 minutes drive time from parents house to the hospital w/o traffic...
-Leave parents house by 9:05 am
Dropping the kiddos with Beba and Papa and getting their well-wishes and stuff will probably take at least 10 min
-Be at 'rents house by 8:55 am.
Driving from my place to the 'rents through the Grandview Triange... a.k.a. the SKCCF...40 minutes.
-Leave home by 8:15 am
45 minutes to get the 2 year old awake, fed, and dressed to leave. During which time we can prep the 3 mo. old...
-Start wrangling kids by 7:30 am.
10 minutes to get self dressed in loose fitting clothes
-Out of shower & dried off by 7:20 am
20 min Shower with special pre-surgery soap
-In shower by 7:00 am.
Snoozing and slowly waking from the sleep of the dead takes about 20 min.
-Set alarm for 6:40 am
wouldn't hurt to be running 10 minutes early
-Set alarm for 6:30 am instead...

Hmmm.  well then... I have to have a pre-surgery-super-soap shower tonight before bed too...

All of the sudden I am feeling a little more sleepy than I thought.  I think I'll shower and hit the hay.

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