Monday, February 9, 2015


So yeah, dropping 30 lbs in a little more than a week is cool and all, but when you don't lose anything from one day to the next, it's a minor disappointment when you're a fat guy not eating anything at all. I was looking at my weight loss rate and was thinking things like "I'll actually weigh what my driver's license says I do by the time I have surgery," and things like that. Then I weighed in at 359.8 ... not at all bad accept the day before was 359.6.  My disappointment was too mild to note, until the next day when I stepped on the scale and it read 359.8, again. Bummer.  I tried mentioning to my wife that stalling sucks after POUNDS every day for weeks, but the sympathy well was dry. "30 pounds in a week!" she responded. The next day... still 359... getting grumpy about it.

Last night I dreamt about realizing I was accidentally cheating on my liquid-only diet after snacking, then going "Oh, well! screw it!" and binging for the rest of the day. It was gloriously grotesque gluttony.

This morning I woke up 4 minutes before my alarm because I had to head to the restroom. After being attacked by my bowels for 15 minutes... I weighed in today at 352.6.  I may make it down to my DL weight of 350 by surgery after all.

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