Thursday, December 4, 2014

For the love of BACON!

(cc) cyclonebill -

It may be true that bacon makes all things better, but I submit that a true baconite might not be able to, in good conscience, add bacon to many dishes at all. Sure bacon elevates your mac-n-cheese, or your salad or what have you... but really, is the end result better-than-bacon?  In many, maybe even most, cases you are degrading bacon's perfection in order to elevate some lowly foodstuff with bacon-ness. Why soil bacon with lesser foods?

1 comment:

  1. On a related note, a friend just informed me of Bacon scented pillows -

    My response: That's no good! The smell of cooking bacon is a signal to the brain that it is time to WAKE UP or you might miss out on BACON... you can't go to sleep to the scent of bacon... and if you do get acclimated to the odor then you forfeit the wakin'-for-bacon bacon instinct!
