Sunday, November 15, 2015

Skinny People Problems - Toilet Time

Fair warning.  This is a bathroom post featuring genitalia.

My weight loss journey has brought me down under 220 lbs, my guess is that it'll be a few pounds under after today's massive poop... but my sit-down time this afternoon has presented me with one of the problems I am adjusting to as I shed pounds.

Over the last week, there have been a few times when as I sit on the pot, my balls take a dip.  This is a new experience for me and it confused me at first, because the water level in the toilet didn't seem higher, and my nuts don't seem to hang any lower than the did before, so why has this started happening?  It took a few brief moments of contemplation to realize the most likely answer is my weight loss has left me with several inches less padding on my posterior and thus I have lowered my important bits when I am seated. Do all skinny guys deal with this?

I had previously noticed that sitting on a hard surface, be it bench, chair, or toilet seat, is a less comfortable experience, with my ass feeling boneier than ever...  My solution to that was going to be to do some ass-centric workouts and put on a little meat back there... so far motivation has been even slimmer than the new "skinny me" though.  Maybe with this new discomfort I will re-invest in some squats, lunges, and back kicks.

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