Saturday, May 16, 2015

One thing I've noticed

I've had some soreness in my muscles that I believe to be unrelated to any of my increased activity. I ponder whether this is related to a loss of my intermuscular adipose tissue, or maybe muscle loss from reduced load weight and sudden shift in nutrition...  regardless, there has been some body aches.

On the flip side though, I can make a tight fist with my right hand again.  For a while, I couldn't.  I had a strong grip- I could have squeezed the heck out of a roll of silver dollars... but a roll of dimes would have been too small for me to squeeze...  now I have my fist back.

My weigh-in this morning was at 280.6 down from a peak of 397.2 on January 26. 116.6 lbs in 110 days. So, about 1.06 pounds a day since I began the pre-surgery, 2-week, all-liquid diet to soften my liver... extrapolating out... with a goal weight of about 200 pounds, I aught to be about 76 days out, at this rate. That puts me hitting goal on August first!

Realistically, that will not at all be the case, I was losing many pounds a day at the very first, and the rate has been tapering. Right now I'm losing about 3 lbs a week, which is more like hitting goal on the 21st of November.  If you figure my rate will probably continue to taper, I think maybe aiming for the Starting 2016 at goal weight might sound reasonable.

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