Saturday, April 18, 2015

A Whole New Person

I don't know how many people have asked whether I feel like a whole new person now... but it's a lot.
Honestly no, not at all.  I feel completely like myself.  It is easier to get up and down the stairs, to stand up out of couches and chairs, and to get off of the floor.  My stomach isn't preventing as much of my flexibility as it had recently, and I am sleeping better... but mentally, emotionally, and in several ways, physically, I am as I was, and as I will be. As of Monday I broke the 300 lb barrier. One I had not crossed since a few years before my 3 year old was born, and even then, the previous time only lasted one weigh-in before settling in around  320 for a while, then creeping back up to around 400 during the time before the surgery.

In order to maintian the suggested level of activity, I've committed to a year of Jujitsu/Judo lessons under Mr. Steve Kinser, at Mr. Steve Stillwell's dojo.  I'm encouraging everyone to join with me, and getting mixed results.  Most are balking at the price, which I really do understand, but it's still disappointing. I may have my supervisor on the hook though... I think it was due to having got her into the Dresden Files, where her favorite character is Karrin Murphy.  Muwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

1 comment:

  1. Turns out the boss is One-and-done on the Judo Lessons, for now at least. She thought it was fine and all, but the commute was too much. She may consider it again this summer she says... but I doubt it a little since I also know she'll finally be getting a next gen gaming system she's been pining for... so my guess is she'll be occupied.
